Why You Don't Hit Driver As Long as You Could - EASY FIX

driver May 31, 2024

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Over the past few weeks, many people have been asking me, "Danny, how do you hit the golf ball consistently over 300 yards with such an effortless swing?" Well, I'm going to share a couple of my power moves that really work for me. More importantly, I coach golfers just like you, including many senior golfers, and you've probably seen them gain 50-plus yards on my channel. How am I helping them? I give them two or three of my power moves that enhance their speed through impact and improve their contact. Today, I want to share these moves with you because I think they could also help you add a few extra yards to your game.

Before we dive into the details, if you're new to the channel and this is your first lesson with me, please consider subscribing. I release videos like this every week to help you improve your game. Plus, you never have to remember a thing because I'll always provide a free downloadable practice guide in the description box below.

So, you've probably noticed that I'm swinging with one arm. I show you this not to impress you, but to demonstrate that it doesn't always require strength to hit a ball a long way. There's something I'm doing in this swing that stores energy and gives me power, and I want to explain what that is right now. Power move number one, and this is really important: are you storing enough energy at the top of your backswing? You'll see with all the long hitters that the longer they swing, the more energy they've got. They've got more time to generate power. Yes, there are exceptions like Jon Rahm and Tony Finau, but they are the exception to the rule. Most golfers who hit longer swing longer. I want you to swing longer without hurting yourself.

Many of my senior golfers often tell me, "I'm injured, Danny. I can't move like I used to." I get that, and you might not be able to swing like a pro, but every single one of them can unlock much more energy at the top of their swing. Let me show you how I do it. The first stage is this: look at your feet. Most of the time, when I see people losing distance, their legs are very stable and not moving much. If your legs don't move, your hips can't move, and if your hips can't move, you can't complete your backswing. You've immediately lost power.

The first thing I want you to do is unlock power with a simple walking example. If I walk backward and forward, notice how my lead knee moves forward and my trail knee moves back. As this happens, my hip unlocks, which unlocks my ability to make a turn. It's effortless and doesn't require strength. Some of my students don't have the flexibility to do this without lifting their foot off the ground, so it's okay to let that lead heel come off the ground to help get that lead knee moving forward. It's just like walking. On the way through, my trail knee moves inward toward the golf ball, and my lead knee straightens to help me come through. This creates more freedom in the motion. Try this with me now, just to get that sensation.

The second part is unlocking your head and the movement of your torso. Imagine pouring water out of your lead ear on the way back and out of your trail ear on the way through. This slight head movement is vital because if you keep your head still, your torso can't turn properly, blocking your energy storage. So, allow some freedom of motion with your head and torso to store more energy.

Let's hit a shot doing that, then move on to power move number two. Grab your ball, give yourself permission to create freedom, allow your lead knee to move and your lead heel to lift if needed. On the way through, allow both knees to move inward toward the golf ball, and let your head pivot. This will help you unlock power. Start with a nice, slow swing, store the energy, and let it rip through.

Power move number two is about generating more momentum in the golf club. Many people lack the clubhead speed needed for power. Here's a simple exercise with a weighted object, like a charger. Imagine a wrecking ball smashing buildings down. When people swing back and forth without generating momentum, the club lacks speed. Instead, create subtle movements with your feet to generate this momentum. It's like starting a chain reaction that propels the club forward.

To practice this, start with your feet close together. Senior golfers can move their feet around before they swing to build momentum. This freedom of movement sets off the chain reaction you need for a powerful swing. Approach the ball with a flowing motion, start with narrow feet, and then move into the swing with a slight step. This constant movement and flow will help you generate more speed.

Finally, power move number three is to understand that impact happens on the trail side of your body. If you're static, you start hitting the ball in front of your body, losing energy. Great players hit on the trail side, delivering power from there. To achieve this, I've been working on snapping a towel on the trail side of my body. This exercise forces my body to work correctly without overthinking. It helps me generate the snap needed for a powerful swing.

Incorporate these moves gradually. Give yourself permission to move, sense the momentum, and feel the snap. Build it up from there, and you'll gain yardage bit by bit. Have fun with this, and remember to be like a child again, exploring and enjoying the motion. If you enjoyed this video, give it a thumbs up, share it with a friend, and subscribe to the channel. Check out the free practice guide in the description below. If you want to see me gaining yardage, watch this video, and if you want to see how I helped a senior golfer gain 50 yards, watch this one. Have a wonderful golfing week!

Full Transcript- so over the past few weeks I've had lots of people coming in asking me questions Danny how do you with your effortless golf swing hit the ball what seems to be consistently over 300 yards what are you doing well I'm going to share with you a couple of my power moves things that really work for me but more importantly look I coach golfers just like you I coach senior golfers in fact you've probably seen many senior golfers live on the channel getting 50 plus yards what am I doing how am I helping them I'm G giving them basically two or three of my power moves things that kind of really enhance their their their speed through the impact a improve their contact I'm going to share with you them today because I think they could also help you gain maybe an extra few yards to your game too now before I get into the video look if you're new to the channel your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing release videos like this every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download all practice guide in the description box

below so you probably noticed that I'm just swinging with one arm now I show you this not to impress you but to show you that doesn't always require strength to hit a ball a long way there's something I'm doing there in this swing that's kind of storing energy giving me power and I want to explain what that is right now to you so power move number one and this is really really important I always get my golfers to consider this first are you storing enough energy at the top of the back swing now you'll see with all the long hitters the longer they swing the more energy they've got they've got more time to generate power it's huge yes there are exceptions of the world like John Ram Tony fenale but they are the exception to the rule right majority golfers who hit longer swing longer so I want you to be a swing longer without hurting yourself and I get many of my senior golfers who often say to me I'm injured down I can't move like I did I get that and you might not be able to swing like a pro but I every single one of them I unlock so much more energy at the top of their swing I'll show you how I do it so the first stage is this you know I want you to look at your feet and most of the time when I see people losing distance they are static their legs are very very stable they're not really moving very very much and when you do this if these don't move this doesn't move if this doesn't move you can't really turn it feels stiff and it feels like you can't complete your back swing immediately you've lost power so the very first thing I want you to do is this you know you can unlock power with just a simple walking example so if I in a sense walk backwards and forwards like this okay what do you notice really comfortable my lead knee moves forward here my trail knee moves back and as I do this what's happening here I'm going downwards here so I'm staying in my angle to the golf ball which is great the other thing I'm doing here is this as this kind of moves in and this straightens a little bit What's happen to this hip it unlocks which unlocks this which unlocks my ability to make a turn and it's effortless it doesn't require anything yeah and some of my students don't have the flexibility sometimes to do it um with without keeping or without lifting their foot off the ground so it's okay to let that lead heel come off the ground to help you get that lead knee moving forwards it's just a walking example right now on the way through look at this as I'm coming through I'm kind of moving and this is doing the same thing look I'm now my right knee my trail knee moves inwards towards the golf by my lead knee straightens to help me look come through here so I'm literally creating just a bit more freedom in this motion and you could try this with me now just get that sensation here backwards and forwards most of the golfers are still heaving around with their bodies losing huge power okay the second thing in this is if we've unlocked the motion here well unlock your head unlock the movement of your torso the simple uh visual for this is simply as you're doing this pour water out of your leader on the way back so I'm almost looking my head's moved slightly here and I'm looking down almost in the corners of my eyes and then on the way through look I'm going to pour out my trailer this way you make sense I've now got water coming out of here and this head movement here is vital cuz you try and keep your head still how are you supposed to turn your torso you can't there's a blockage again all these things are stopping you storing energy so freedom of motion here and then pour water out of your leader here like like this here that's allowed me to turn a bit further and on the way through look here I'm pouring water out of my trail here and that's helping me look get through the shot Okay so that is power Mo uh move number one unlock parts of your body here to create that freedom of motion people are scared of this because they feel like unlocking this motion will help them move around too much not at all as you help your body pivot okay it actually stays more stable and more centered actually trying to stay still now the body's Frozen that's when you start heaving the ball uh the club all over the place so unlock both sides of the body first so let's h a shot doing that and then we'll kind to move on to power move number two so let's grab this ball and all I'm going to do here is is I'm going to give myself permission look to create Freedom allow my lead knee to move and point almost behind that golf ball I might even look allow my lead heel look to come off the ground to help me achieve this again on the way through look I'm just allowing myself to walk backwards and forwards both knees are moving inwards towards this golf ball it's un locking and then just imagining I'm not trying to keep my head still I'm allowing it to Pivot here that's going to help me unlock a little bit of power again I'm not going to try and hit this hard all I'm going to do here is just store energy and let that energy come through so nice and smooth nice slow swing store it and let it rip through okay start with that as power move number one so power move number two and my students absolutely love this one so you've unlocked and stored some energy the next thing is you need to kind of get a sense or a feeling of how to then generate more momentum in this golf club a lot of times people just don't have enough Club Ed speed to generate power so this is a real simple examp got something with a weight and it's actually a charger but it's a great way to kind of visualize and help you with momentum so going to put this here for a second now if you imagine a wrecking ball those big kind of wrecking balls are smashing buildings down okay now if I do what most people do is this when they swing back they move their body they move a back swing over here and they move the down swing over here and there's not really a lot of momentum happening in this kind of the end of the golf club as such right but notice this I'm not doing anything here for a second one what do you notice now what's my body doing how am I creating this swing can you see the difference how am I creating it what is creating this momentum and it is SLE subtle movements it's free it's movements in the feet that create this momentum in your golf club now this is really vital okay because when you're stood and this is what I see which is a really big Power leak when I see golfers and they kind of get to a golf ball they plant themselves down and in an effort to gain control they go bang plon themselves down feet don't move they're getting themselves ready they're going through a checklist and then they expect from there to hit a ball long way not a chance okay you'll see with all the great players there's an essence of movement as they are in a sense setting up to the golf shot in fact I want you to have a look at this video of my my boy Jack notice he's con I haven't told him this by the way but he's constantly moving and then just before he goes just before he goes he takes this little step away from the target okay what's that step doing it's providing just if you were thr it's providing look look at this it's providing momentum momentum to this golf club that momentum sets a chain reaction off one two by creating a swinging Golf Club you've now got the first start of that power through your swing so how can you start to kind of generate these feelings well grabbing something like that you know and just kind of swinging it and feeling how your body creates that momentum is a great start and then what you can do is just give yourself the freedom okay so what I mean by that is when you stood over the golf ball here I want you to start with your feet fairly close together with driver and I do it in different ways with senior golfers what I do is I get them to in a sense here just before they're going they're moving the feet around right I always get to move and then just when they're ready and they're looking I get them to St just step anywhere anywhere backwards or this any direction it could be this way it could be this way I like sometimes going backwards because it really helps them to kind of open up their hips and improve their turn but anything that really kicks off the momentum of this gol swing now you don't have to step you might be able to subtly feel these motions here you if if I exaggerate for myself look there's almost a pressing down onto that trail foot here and I'm then pushing off that foot as an exaggeration that's a little bit more subtle and you could work towards that but just starting with your feet together and just getting a sense here don't stop and go no you keep moving and then go right now it will take a it might feel strange and feel scary cuz actually there's freedom but this is really really important and is a big Power move for most golfers so it's going to look something like this I'm going to approach the ball and notice how I approach this I'm approaching it and I'm not going to approach it get myself lined up stop notice the flow to this Martian so I get myself set here there's a flow I'm going to start with narrow STS but the flow to the motion and then I go you see that little step and go yeah so we're building this motion into your golf swing okay it's going to help you generate the speed that's going to really help you ramp up those extra few p uh Powers extra few yards all right so get that sensation love this my students love it they feel it a bit scary but having this constant movement and flow just adds more natural motion that you just like you would have by the way if you were throwing a ball so now let's move on to power move power move number three so power move number three is to appreciate that impact happens on the trail side of your body most of the time again it kind of leads on from the first two if you're very static here you start hitting the ball like this like this in front of your body when all GP players they hit it on this side their Trail side of their body here it's the trail side that's delivering this blow look this side here we're not doing this this is where you've lost loads of energy okay so that's really something to really appreciate now what helps me achieve this and for really works for me personally it's one thing I've worked on a hell of a lot recently so we're at 110 miles an hour I'm going to try and get that up much closer to 120 and I do this using a towel simple simple exercise this is a bath towel strapped up with insulation tipe gives you some for resist distance and all I'm going to do here is this I've already got the first two steps in I'm allowing look look at my left heel I'm allowing that freedom of that to come off the ground okay this is really important from here what I'm going to do is is I even allow if I the if you want to hit a ball longer I'm going to get my arms raised a little bit higher but this is really important from here I am going to snap that towel right down here I am not look just turning like most people are doing I'm getting it up and then look I'm snapping it down on the trail side of my body there and I'm really working hard to snap it now automatically I can sense my body working very hard to generate this snap and what I love about this is I'm not trying to force it I'm not trying to in a sense think about these motions the towel is forcing my body to basically work in such a way that snaps this towel it's absolutely brilliant okay absolutely brilliant so but to do this you must have already built the kind of the sensation of it's okay to have freedom it's okay to have movement don't lock yourself in so notice this now I'm going to start to ramp up my power and what I'm doing now is this you'll see with even some of the long drive guys they're constantly moving so you do that I'm raising this heel off the ground I'm allowing this knee to come inwards and then this is the tow look I'm getting that club up and then I'm going to snap it right here on the trail side of my body no no I am snapping that towel on the trail side of my body so let's gradually build this up Freedom here didn't strike that bit out the heel let's give this another go didn't strike it 270 but look at speed speeds up a little bit right so keep going awful strike but I know we can can do better than that so back here rip it from there wind it

up there we go look at that 116 miles worth Club speed 316 yards in we can still keep moving from there but all I'm doing here look that's nowhere near where I can get I can get to normally 118 120 mph plus and all I'm doing is gradually unlocking giving myself that freedom I want you to do the same give yourself permission to move give yourself permission here to move and then really sense that momentum in the back swing and then start to feel that snap build it up from there promise you you will gain yardage bit by bit have fun with this all right almost like I have to said to my students be a child again okay just like my boy Jack so I hope you enjoyed this video if you did give it a thumbs up maybe share it with one of your friends and of course look if you're new to the channel press that subscribe button and the bell I put a free downlo practice guide in the description box below if you'd love to see me getting some yardage collect this one out right here if you'd love to see a student how I helped a student gain a PL 50 yards a senior student check this video out right here but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.